Server Setup Reference

This is a detailed description of how a server ends up configured by the CTS provisioning process.


Below is the server layout created by this provisioning process:


source contains the source code of the project, checked out from git. env is the virtualenv for Python requirements. log stores the Nginx, Gunicorn and other logs used by the project. public holds the static resources (css/js) for the project and the uploaded user media. public/static/ and public/media/ map to the STATIC_ROOT and MEDIA_ROOT settings. ssl contains the SSL key and certificate pair.

Configuration files are updated in:




Incoming HTTP requests are received by the Nginx web server. /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/cts.conf has the specific configuration for CTS.

Nginx serves static files itself, and routes dynamic requests to the appropriate backend processes. It uses the request URL path to determine how to handle each request.

Nginx is started by an init.d script. There is only one logical nginx running on a server, though it might consist of a master process and multiple worker processes.


Gunicorn is a Python WSGI server. It is used to run processes with the Django code that can handle HTTP requests routed from Nginx.

Gunicorn processes are managed by Supervisord.

For each CTS instance, there will be one or more Gunicorn processes running on the server.


Celery is a Python library allowing tasks to be scheduled for later execution. In CTS, Celery tasks are used to poll for new package scans.

There are two kinds of celery processes. Worker processes do the work. There can be many worker processes for an instance. A beat process is like cron: it schedules tasks at certain times. An instance only has one beat process.

Celery processes are managed by Supervisord.


Supervisor is a daemon that manages background processes. Each process is configured by a file in /etc/supervisor/conf.d, and supervisor ensures that each process is started and continues to run.

CTS uses Supervisor to manage long-running Python processes, like Gunicorn and Celery.

Supervisor itself is started by an init.d script.

Only one logical Supervisor process runs on a server.

Rabbit MQ

Rabbit MQ provides reliable asynchronous message queuing among Celery’s processes.

Rabbit MQ is started by an init.d script.

Only one logical Rabbit MQ runs on a server.


Postgres is our primary database server. We use a PostgreSQL instance hosted on Amazon RDS.